1.This was never my intention when I included numerous links to photographs, showing Oolong's unique ability to hold objects on his head.
2.Money's usefulness is its unique ability to command other goodsand services and to permit a holder to be constantly ready to do so.
3.Many utilities are breaking out of the conventional phone UI to take advantage of the device's unique ability to respond to finger gestures.
4.But "awes thenature" actually to request the humanity to give up this kind of unique ability, with did not take displaces.
5.spoke with a unique accent; had unique ability in raising funds; a frankness unique in literature; a unique dining experience.
6.Despite its track record as one of the world's most boring currencies, the renminbi has a unique ability to generate endless rumours.
7.Their music has the unique ability to bring the listener to his feet or move the listener to tears.
8.However, its unique ability is capturing screens automatically each time the screen changes!
9.The female whiptail lizards are doing it for themselves with the unique ability to produce asexually.
10.The business card printing and membership card making machine has a unique ability to convert qxafs live piece of technology.